报告题目: Modelling Returns to Scale in Production
报告时间:2022年6月11日(周六) 14:00--15:30
腾讯会议 ID : 614-693-059
报告人简介:李崇高,香港浸会大学经济系荣休教授,304am永利集团官网304am永利集团官网黄山特聘客座教授,香港树仁大学商业经济与公共政策中心客座研究员。李崇高教授主要从事生产效率分析和数据包络分析的理论及应用研究,在Operations Research, Journal of Mathematical Economics, European Journal of Operational Research, China Economic Review, Journal of Productivity Analysis,《中国社会科学》等国际国内权威期刊发表论文数十篇。
内容简介:Students in Economics are familiar with the concept of “returns to scale”. However, conventional textbooks of Economics do not distinguish between input scale and output scale. They do not cover “returns to scale” when there are multiple outputs. In fact, a special pattern, which I call it “regular variable returns to scale”, is not easy to incorporate in empirical studies. This seminar presents some recent developments of modelling “returns to scale” in theoretical and empirical studies.